Special Education
Programs and Services
Inclusion: Consultative or Co-taught
Students requiring these services have varied disabilities and multiple needs that can be met in the general education setting with support and related services. The following models may be used: instruction in the general education curriculum with accommodations or modifications by a general educator, small and large group instruction, co-teaching, support from a para-educator or adult assistant, and consultation with general education teachers. Co-teaching involves two fully certified teachers—a general educator and a special educator--collaborating to deliver instruction to students in the general education setting.
Special Education setting for diploma-bound students
Students with IEP’s in need of services delivered in the special education setting are those whose complex learning needs impact their academic progress in core academic areas and their ability to make sufficient progress toward IEP goals in spite of significant accommodations and modifications made to the general education curriculum and/or setting. Services offered may include: adaptations and modifications to the complexity and amount of the general education curriculum, specialized instructional strategies and materials, adjustments in pacing, reduction in output, smaller group setting, and alternative methods for demonstrating skill acquisition.
Behavior Learning Support Services
Students with IEPs in need of behavior and learning support services are those whose significant social, emotional, behavioral, and learning difficulties adversely impact their ability to make progress in their curriculums. Services offered may include: a structured learning environment, behavior management and tracking, design and implementation of behavior intervention plans, social skills instruction, counseling, conflict resolution, and availability of crisis intervention.
Functional Academic Learning Support – FALS
Students with IEPs in need of functional academic learning support are those who demonstrate significant delays in cognitive functioning, adaptive functioning, communication, and academic skills. Services offered may include: instruction in a functional life skills curriculum including personal management, community, recreation/leisure, career/vocational, and communication/decision-making. Students are provided with extensive modification of curricular objectives and learning materials, and additional time to learn, and instruction in multiple settings in order to generalize learning.
For further information please visit the BCPS Office of Special Education website.
Department Chair
Chanel Wright-Greene
Email: [email protected]
Updated 5/8/2018